I’m in the car with Drama Queen Sunday evening and she asks if I have the song Gives You Hell on my iPod. I dig The All American Rejects and I told her I did have it. She asked if it was “The Glee version or the real one.”
I quickly glanced over at her with a look of sheer…I don’t even know what I was feeling at the moment. I was disappointed that my daughter would even consider that I had the Glee version of anything on my iPod. I was also feeling frustrated that a bunch of losers would take a perfectly good song and F it up. I was also holding back laughter. That was quite possibly the dumbest question I have ever been asked.
I glanced at her, then back at the road and asked, “What the hell would make you think that I have a Glee song on my iPod?” She responded with the typical teenage reaction. “I don’t know…..”
“Glee is just High School Musical done on a weekly basis,” I reminded her. “If I think High School Musical is stupid, why would I have Glee music on my iPod? Have I EVER indicated that I had an interest in watching that show? In fact, when you’ve asked if I wanted to watch it with you, what was my reaction?”
“You said, hell no!” She replied. Damn right I said hell no. If my internal filter hadn’t been switched on I probably would have said “Fuck no”. I’m a hetrosexual male in my late 40's. Why would I have an interest in watching Glee?
For the record, that was a rhetorical question. I don’t need your answers on why I should become a Gleek. I will never become a Gleek. I understand chicks who are Gleeks and I guess I can understand homosexual males who enjoy it, but I don’t get how a straight male could think it’s anything but stupid.
You’re probably all asking, ” Benjamin, how many episodes have you watched?” I will answer you honestly and say, “Absolutely none. Not one single minute.” How do I know I don’t like it if I’ve never watched it? There are some things a guy just knows. That’s all I can say.
P.S. The only nice thing I can say about Glee is I like how they use the fingers to make the “L” in the name. That part they totally got right….
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