Dateline: Monday night
Around 9:30 I began channel surfing and came across The Voice. I’ve never seen the show but I heard some dude singing and he sounded good. Damn good actually. With one of my favorite train wrecks (The Bachelor) cutting in and out thanks to my POS antenna, I decided to listen to the guy sing.
Apparently they were in some sort of battle round and Christina Aguilera paired a dude named Jesse Campbell against a guy named Anthony Evans. Both have rad voices but I was most intrigued by the story of Jesse. Jesse is a dad who was once homeless with his daughter after his wife left them.
Dude was as down and out as you can be but he never gave up. He kept singing and praying and finding ways to make life better for his child and for himself. I respect the hell out of that. I really do. If he were here now I would give him a man hug and a fist bump, though probably not in that order.
This guy has a set of pipes that seriously blew me away. Last night they showed Jesse’s blind audition and just moments into his song all four judges buzzed in, which I believe is a good thing. I’m not really sure how the whole competition goes but I think if more than one judge wants you, the choice is up to the singer.
If I’m right, that explains the massive cleavage Christina shows on every commercial for the show. And on last night’s episode. I’m a huge fan of cleavage (and the cleavage doesn’t have to be huge to be nice) but I think that the amount of exposed bosom the former Mouseketeer was showing could be deemed public nudity in several countries around the world. To be clear, I would never visit any of those countries.
Christina’s rack isn’t the focus of this post. Seriously. This is about a dad who never gave up and who though sleeping in a car with his daughter, made something of himself. Whenever I get that “feeling shitty about my lot in life” attitude I’m going to try and remember Jesse. He’s an inspiration to me and to anyone who feels that they can’t find a way out of the rut they’re stuck in.
Believe it or not, I don’t have a lot to say about this. That’s probably because the story of Jesse is pretty clear. It doesn’t matter what life throws at you, if you keep trying, eventually opportunity will find its way to your door and God help you if you don’t answer it!
One final thought. My daughter Breana forced me to watch American Idol last week and both Jesse and Anthony were better than any of the dudes remaining on Idol. WAY better.
I’m not sure what happens on The Voice from here because as I said at the beginning, I’ve never watched the show before. I haven’t heard any of the other contestants sing but I’m certainly pulling for Jesse, the pastor’s kid from the Windy City. Want to know who won? Jesse did, but no way would I have wanted to be Christina last night. This contest was too close to call. Check out the head-to-head battle between Jesse and Anthony.
*Jesse is wearing a white shirt and doesn’t have glasses.
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