Tuesday night I turned on Fashion Star about halfway through. Don’t judge me for that until you hear my reasons.
A) My niece is a fashion designer
B) I needed to figure out why the commercials touted Nicole Richie as a “fashion icon”
C) This show has meltdown written all over it and the truth is, I enjoy a good train wreck
I tuned in about 45 minutes into the 90 minute show and as soon as it came on I was struck by a realization. Jessica Simpson has very large breasts. The reason I say this is because the first thing I saw was a close up of her cleavage thanks to some director at NBC. They went back to it several times which I don’t completely understand because I believe this to be a show mainly for women, but who am I to argue with how they do things, right?
I just turned on Fashion Star. Is that a dude in the baby blue bowler or is it a chick?
He responded by telling me he was taping the show so he had no clue. Later in the show I came to the conclusion that it was a dude. Either that or a woman named Oscar. I’m sure from this photo you can see why I was confused. Considering he’s wearing an orange one in this pic, I can only assume that brightly colored bowlers are his “thing”.
The concept of the show is kind of interesting. There are three mentors, Jessica, Nicole and some guy I know nothing about other than he’s from Detroit. The trio give the contestants suggestions before they make their garments and present them on stage. The designers then show their piece on the runway to buyers from Macy’s, Saks and H & M. Some contestants listen to the mentors advice and others do not. One woman listened to the advice given to her and ended up with a $50,000 order from H & M. “Good for her,” I said out loud to my dog, Lucy.
An Australian guy who thinks his shit don’t stink didn’t listen to the mentors. In fact, he told Jessica Simpson that he didn’t know why she and Nicole were critiquing men’s fashion since they were women and therefore didn’t know anything about men’s fashion. At this point I looked over at Lucy and said, “This is gonna be good.” I was not wrong.
The guy was designing some “high end” motorcycle jacket that frankly looked pretty much like a hundred other jackets I’ve seen on clearance racks. They weren’t bad, but there was nothing unique about them. This guy had the balls to tell Jessica “It’s hard to understand girls giving advice when it comes to men’s fashion.” If you don’t believe me, check out the clip at the bottom of the page.
That wasn’t a smooth move when you consider that the buyers from Macy’s and H & M were women. I don’t know the ins and outs of the fashion world, but I’m pretty sure you don’t talk to buyers like that if you want them to buy your mediocre clothing. Needless to say, he didn’t receive any offers.
Big props to the creators of the show for streamlining the process. Most reality game shows stretch out the critiques and the kicking off of someone, but this show flowed really well. My only question is about Nicole Richie. I don’t understand how being Paris Hilton’s former BFF and parking your car backwards in the fast lane of a freeway makes you a fashion icon. But as I said before, I don’t know the ins and outs of the fashion world, so I’m going to assume the creators know what they’re doing.
My two favorite moments were when the Aussie guy dissed women and said they know nothing about fashion and when they booted his ass off the show because “It’s apparent you can’t listen to constructive criticism.” To be clear, the reason it was a favorite moment is because it was ridiculous, not because I agreed with the douche.
I also liked watching the reaction of the designers who finally realized their dream of having something they created being sold in a major retailer. That has to be a huge thing. I know I'll be really proud of my niece when her design's are in a major retail in a few years from now. I imagine it feels kind of like I felt when I saw my first blog published in a magazine, only a thousand times better.
I missed the first half of the show but I saw a couple other designers who look like they could be train wreck material, which means I definitely need to watch again next week. If I had to bet I would guess that the next one to go will be the androgynous chick (her description not mine) who designed a man’s shirt collar with an attached tie for women to wear as an accessory. The only thing that saved her ass last night was the fact that Aussie boy is a dick.
I’m still unclear on the whole “Nicole Richie fashion icon” premise and I would appreciate it if someone could please explain that to me. Gracias.
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