Friday, January 28, 2011

Dominos Pizza College Entrance Exam

My teen daughter was recently sleeping over with a group of girl friends. She texted me just before midnight:
what’s the ph # of our fav pizza place?
My daughter and I love a local pizzeria. It’s not a chain like Pizza Hut or Dominos Pizza. The pizzas at this local place are awesome. I texted her the phone number, but added that I didn’t think they’d be open so late.
She texted back: who is open then?
Dominos Pizza, of course! I’m pretty sure our local Dominos stays open until after most bars closed. Dominos Pizza understands that people get the munchies late, and don’t necessarily want Taco Bell every single time. I remember calling Dominos Pizza at 2am, falling asleep (ok, passing out) on the living room floor with my apartment mates – only to be woken up at 2:30am, when the delivery guy brought our pizza. (If it’s not there in 30 minutes, it’s free! – was the motto of our local Dominos Pizza franchise.)       
Of course, those are memories of mine. My daughter is still in collage. Maybe this was her first late-night pizza run.
I texted her: Dominos!
She texted me back: what’s their #?
WTF!? She and her girl friends can’t look that up? How hard is it to do an iPhone web search? Or google something on the computer?
I texted her back the number, and asked: don’t you have internet?
My daughter didn’t text back until morning. (Rest assured, they got their pizza just fine.)
Kids these days. Can’t even order a Dominos Pizza without parental help.
Clearly, my daughter is not ready for college.
(Haha – don’t worry, she knows I’m teasing)

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