Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Advice Giving for Sale aka Free

I've been thinking a lot about people who give advice. I have no idea what exactly qualifies them to be advice-givers, but there is something about them that makes people line up for advice like there's an ice cream truck handing out free ice cream in front of an orphanage. Its probably something to do with their educational background/life experience/likability factor or something? I think advice-givers have to at some point proclaim that they are giving advice away because if they don't, how would anyone know that they are giving advice away? So you know what? I, Benjamin Valadez, am an advice-giver. I'm giving it away for free, people. Free. Ask me for advice, and I'll try to help you out... or at the very least give you answer that helps you realize you were less confused when you came to me. That's the least I can do afterall. Things I will give you advice about: anything... unless I don't want to. Here's a real-life example: Person needing advice: I have two boyfriends. What should I do? Oh, and you don't know the whole story, so just know that I'm a bad person! My response: GURL-friend. N0 one else in the world knows the whole story but you, so it doesn't matter if you are a good person or not, we all still think you're an a** hole. (Yes, that is an "a", "star", "star" and a "hole" - this is real life, friends... stars make it official). So yeah.... you probably should dump one them. See? It's that type of advice that I have to offer and again, it's for free.

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