Thursday, June 2, 2011

Profound Questions Presented by Benjamin Ray Valadez

Sometimes I wonder, "how do certain people (the 'freaks and geeks') meet certain people ('the calm, cool and collected')?" Now before you jump to conclusions about why I would ask this question, don't, because I'm not really referring to anything or anyone in particular. I'm just thinking about it, because some life-long friendships that start late in life and relationships that I witness from the outside make absolutely no sense.

So how are they meeting each other? Is it because the freaks and geeks put themselves "out there" and don't care that they have to weed out 152 bad people to meet one good one? Is it because they have no other choice but to go meet new people because they simply have few to no people left in their life? Or is it that good old thing called "chance" that apparently works out for some people - like when people laugh and say, "I met my best friend by chance at the hospital the day I was born! We've been BFF's ever since!"?

Content trial and error? Forced to look due to loneliness? Or waiting for "chance" to come along?

I don't think I like any of those... except for "chance" which isn't exactly what one could call reliable. Am I missing other ways that certain people meet certain people later in life? And I don't mean like work or school where you kind have no choice but to meet people...

Listening or maybe not depending on your answer,

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